Adults don’t Lie

“Are you saying I’m lying?” he asked. He glared at me, his face blazing with indignation and anger. At my studied blank look, he continued, “Adults don’t lie.” This was a line I’d heard all my life growing up in Yorubaland. Some said it tongue in cheek, others earnestly. But it was said often enough to be believed. That is, until I grew up and encountered one too many lying adults.

Prior to his denial, Dr. Duro had earlier stated that there was N20,000 in the fellowship purse (this was back when N20,000 was still a lot of money). After counting, I found only 16k. I asked, “There’s only 16k here though you said the purse had 20.” He insisted he’d never said 20k but I knew what I heard and this adult was lying. And perhaps stealing too.

The myth that adults don’t lie creates a make-belief world where people grow into sainthood as they age. Since they no longer lie, it’s not far-fetched to imagine they don’t steal, cheat, or commit other atrocities either. Further, if you cannot accuse an adult of lying, you cannot convict nor prosecute. You are thus unable to take to task the innumerable agbayas that litter the landscape, cheating, molesting, and abusing those younger than themselves.

Abi Adegboye
Abi Adegboye
Author, Speaker, and Coach.

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