Necessary Traits for Today’s Leader

Leadership has changed over time as have traits required to be a great leader: Traditionally, a leader was autocratic, controlling, and in charge. Today, leaders need a different toolset to transform their organizations. Influence works, command fails. Leaders must adapt and change to keep up with a rapidly changing world. Thus, a leader must exhibit the following traits to be effective:

Empathy: The capacity to understand what another person is experiencing is an invaluable trait for today’s leader. When a leader can stand in the shoes of her followers, she is able to forge real connection. This connection in turn, allows leaders and followers to work together towards transformational goals.

Integrity: Integrity requires transparency. Today’s leader must be open in his values and allegiances in order to influence his tribe. Saying one thing but doing another is the fastest way to lose credibility.

Be Proactive: As a leader cannot wait for things to happen, she must look ahead. Though the world is changing rapidly, a leader must plan for a future he cannot predict. Being flexible and adaptable help leaders to pivot in an unpredictable world.

Be Approachable: Being approachable allows leaders to build internal and external networks. These networks in turn provide valuable feedback which help the leader grow in influence. Don’t rely only on your traditional network; you need to build new ones to respond to new problems.

Decisive: It is not as much about making the right decision, but about making a decision. A trustworthy leader will be forgiven if he takes his followers on the wrong path than if he shillyshallies and never decides.

Accountable: Leaders should do what they expect of others. You want your team to work till 9:00pm, you’d better be right there working alongside. Hold yourself accountable for the promises you make, the visions you cast, and the blueprint you draw up. When you’re accountable, you grow in influence and transformational power.

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Abi Adegboye
Abi Adegboye
Author, Speaker, and Coach.

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